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We lived the American Expat life for three years in Denmark, from 2018 to 2020, before we moved to Australia.


Rasmus and I moved to Denmark from Colorado in August of 2018, so he could play basketball professionally and represent his country on the global level.


We have grown so much since our big move. These experiences have forced us to expand our minds and be strong to support each other.


We are constantly learning and practicing gratitude, and we try to take nothing for granted. Life is short, and we are here to make the most of it! 



Chasing Basketball


Our Connection

Rasmus’ parents are both from Denmark, and he speaks Danish. So I am loving getting to learn about his culture and language. Denmark is one of the most socialist countries in the world, and in so many ways, it is utopian. 

I am constantly learning new things about life in Denmark and the Danish people. I feel people lead very healthy lives here. I adore the old charm. From the straw roofs to the cobblestones, many Danish cities feel like they popped out of a fairytale. 

Dane in Training

I married into a Danish family, so I get an exclusive first-hand look at the culture. I am sure they get tired of all my questions but lucky for me-- they are stuck with me! I am, of course, still learning. Here are some of my favorite Denmark blog posts to date:

Danish Life


According to the World Happiness Report, Denmark has ranked in the top three since the reporting started in 2012. Denmark is considered one of the most economically sound and socially developed countries in the world.


Danes enjoy a high standard of living and rank highly in metrics of national performance, including education, health care, protection of civil liberties, democratic governance prosperity, and human development. 

It has been a privilege to live and learn in Denmark and open my mind to this vastly different culture. 


America vs. Denmark

The socialist aspect of life here never ceases to amaze me. There is virtually no poverty, and with everyone guaranteed six weeks of paid vacation per year, people are genuinely happy. 

Other key societal differences in Denmark include: free healthcare, paid maternity and paternity leave (12 months combined), free higher education (in fact they pay you to go to school), near-equal pay among men and women, and guaranteed unemployment in the event you are fired or let go. 


The safety net in this country is almost unfathomable as an American. But it comes at a cost, significant taxes, in the ballpark of 50-60% of your income. Although Danes don't seem to mind, they are willing to pay to use the benefits.


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